The Facebook-owned messaging app, WhatsApp is going to make some changes by the end of this year. As WhatsApp has now become a part of our daily life so it is very important to know that WhatsApp will stop working on platforms like ‘BlackBerry OS’, ‘BlackBerry 10’, ‘Windows Phone 8.0’ and other older platforms from December 31, 2017. It says on these particular platforms users will not be able to create new accounts, nor re-verify existing accounts once they will end the support.
Earlier also WhatsApp announced that it will stop their support for many of the older platforms and they did it. Now here is the twist, end of support from WhatsApp does not mean that a user will lose access to their WhatsApp account. End of WhatsApp means that users can still continue using the app on their phone as they were using, but they will not get any future updates in regards to security or new features. On the other hand, the good news is, WhatsApp will still continue support for Windows 8.1 version and higher devices of Windows.
How to backup your WhatsApp chat conversation for Windows 8.0, BlackBerry and BlackBerry10 users:
Currently, WhatsApp doesn’t have the option of transferring chat history from one platform to the other platform however, what you can do is export your chat history via email. Here are the steps how to do it.
Windows Phone: First Launch the WhatsApp> Click on more (the three dots) > Then click on chats and calls and then click on backup. Now the backup data will be saved in your OneDrive account. If you want to export a particular chat with a contact or group, select the chat > Click on more (three dots) > Click on info > Finally click on email chat history.
Now as per the limitations, you may not be able to email your entire chat history due to Windows Mail size restrictions. So the only way to export the new messages would be to delete the older messages which are less important and then email your chat history again.
BlackBerry OS: Similar to Windows Phone, select a chat with a group or contact > Then select the BlackBerry icon > Email chat. Now an email will be composed with your complete chat history attached as a .txt document.
BlackBerry 10: To back up your chat history, select a message with a contact name or group > Then select email conversation > Finally click on send.
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