As per the report of last month, WhatsApp was in the process of integrating its Unified Payments Interface (UPI) with several Indian banks such as HDFC, State Bank of India, ICICI and Axis bank. This new ‘Payments’ feature can be accessed from the Chat window in the Attachments menu. You can then click on Payments, which will then prompt you to link to your UPI. To make sure that WhatsApp Payment is working, the first thing that you need to do is that you’ll have to link your respective bank account to the messaging app. Now, this is where the UPI payment is going to come in handy. This will enable a user to use their registered WhatsApp number to set up the process. This is also an alert for the other wallet companies like Paytm, Google Tez, PhonePe, MobiKwik that WhatsApp might eat their market.
As per the current update, WhatsApp has a customer base of around 1.5 billion people throughout the world in which 200 million users are only from India. So the experts believe that if this new payment feature works well in India and goes viral, then it will take a new turn towards digital transactions in the country. To get this feature handy on your mobile you will not have to download anything new however you will have to wait for the company to roll out an update for your number. Please let me know in the comment section below what is your thought about this new feature being rolled out by WhatsApp.
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