Finally, the wait is over, Google has launched its Google Home and Google Home Mini smart speakers in India on April 10, Tuesday at an event in New Delhi. As per the announcement, the Google Home and Google Home Mini will be exclusively available to buy online via Flipkart, and will also be made available in 750 retail offline stores. As of now, the speakers will support Google Play Music, YouTube, Netflix, Gaana, and Saavn.
The Google Home has been priced in India at Rs 9,999 while Home Mini costs Rs 4,499. Like any other Google services, this device can be activated by saying ‘Ok Google’. The Google Home is now only available in Chalk fabric base and Google Home Mini is available in Chalk and Charcoal fabric colors. Now if we look back we will find that Amazon has already launched their own Amazon Echo smart speakers which are powered by Alexa voice virtual assistance in India last year and surprisingly the price tag of both the devices are same. Customers who are buying the Google Home or Google Home Mini from Flipkart will get exclusive launching day offers and the offers will last until April 30, 2018. Please find the picture below with the offers. Thanks, Flipkart for the picture.
The Google Home has been priced in India at Rs 9,999 while Home Mini costs Rs 4,499. Like any other Google services, this device can be activated by saying ‘Ok Google’. The Google Home is now only available in Chalk fabric base and Google Home Mini is available in Chalk and Charcoal fabric colors. Now if we look back we will find that Amazon has already launched their own Amazon Echo smart speakers which are powered by Alexa voice virtual assistance in India last year and surprisingly the price tag of both the devices are same. Customers who are buying the Google Home or Google Home Mini from Flipkart will get exclusive launching day offers and the offers will last until April 30, 2018. Please find the picture below with the offers. Thanks, Flipkart for the picture.
So now the question is, how and where it will work? So Google Home will work on your Android TV’s and you can also use it to control Netflix and YouTube. In India Google has partnered with NDTV, Times of India, Aaj Tak, and Dainik Bhaskar for news content and update. You can also connect your Google Home or Google Home Mini to the Google Chromecast.
Now let’s have a look at the specifications of the products.
Google Home specifications:
The Google Home has a touch surface on top, which can be used to control volume, playback and also activate the Google Assistant. The mic is located on the top panel, while its mute button and power status light are located at the back. The top panel also features the lights that change patterns and colors depending on the action being formed. It devices that it supports should be running on Android 4.4 KitKat and higher, and iOS 9.1 and higher. The height of the device is 142.8mm and the diameter is 96.4mm. It has a weight of 477 grams, and the length of the power cable is 1.8 meters.
The Google Home Mini has four lights on top of it and when the speaker it working it glows. The lights turn orange when the mic is muted. There is a switch near the power (Micro-USB) port on the back to mute the mic. The Control mechanisms are on the left and right of the Google Home Mini's lights, which can be used to change volume and start or stop alarms, timers, and calls. Its speaker has been designed so that it can deliver 360-degree sound. It supports devices running Android 4.4 KitKat and higher, and iOS 9.1 and higher. The height of the device is 42mm and the diameter is 98mm. It has a weight of 173 grams, and the length of the power cable is 1.5 meters.
Relly my favourite gadget.